Potter's House
Christian Fellowship Church
The North Valley
Changing Lives, Making Disciples,
Reaching the World
We welcome you to join us
​Sunday services:
Sunday school starting at 9:30
Sunday Service beginning at 10:30
Evening Service begins at 6pm
with prayer starting at 5pm
Wednesday Service:
Prayer starting at 6pm
Service beginning at 7pm
All of our services could be viewed online
What We Believe
There are three primary experiences of the Christian life: Salvation, Water Baptism, and Holy Spirit Baptism.
1. Salvation
Salvation is initiated by a prayer of faith in Jesus.
Salvation is completed by God's grace.
Salvation is maintained by a lifestyle of Biblical righteousness.
Salvation is demonstrated by works.
Salvation is lost when we sin and do not repent.
Salvation is necessary to enter Heaven in eternity.
2. Water Baptism
Water Baptism was exemplified by Christ.
Water Baptism is not necessary to be saved, but is definitely an
important Christian experience not to be negated.
Water Baptism is a public demonstration of faith in Jesus Christ.
Water Baptism is executed in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
3. Holy Spirit Baptism
Holy Spirit Baptism is evidenced by speaking in tongues. (Acts 2:4; Acts 10:45–46)
Holy Spirit Baptism is an experience different and distinct from Salvation or Water Baptism. (Acts 1:5; Acts 10:44)
Our Responsibilities:
There are four primary responsibilities of each Christian: Prayer, Outreach, Reading the Bible, and Fellowship.
1. Daily Prayer
Seeking God in prayer is a fundamental necessity of maintaining our relationship with Him.
2. Outreach
Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others.
3. Reading the Bible
Feeding our spirit with the Word of God, and living thereby.
4. Fellowship
Gathering together in a local assembly of believers for worship and admonition, and spiritually enriching camaraderie with other believers.